Everything is Going High Definition

Take a look around us, everything is going high definition. The normal bulky television is being replaced with LCD and Plasma TV and these are now being replaced with high definition ones, hence the abbreviation HDTV (High Definition Television). Even hotels that I normally stay in are changing their sets to LCDs. This week, I had the chance to evaluate video conferencing equipment and to my amazement, there are even high definition options; at a price of course.

Everyone who has laid eyes on a flat and thin television will fall in love with it. Gone are the days of bulkiness; gone are the days of fuzziness; welcome to the world of colours and details. Yes, that’s what HDTV does; it brings about clarity in picture, brings up the colours and pictures are extremely detailed.

Yes, everyone is going to love HDTV but not everyone can afford it. New technology always come at a high price tag but there are ways to own one without the high price. You can buy them second hand, pre-owned or refurbished. But of course, no one like used stuff. If you prefer new and yet cheap, look for establishments that sell overstock HDTV. Overstocks are similar to overruns; i.e. the manufacturer produced more than they sold. Note that overstocks are usually earlier models than what is available in the market.

If you are thinking of getting one, don’t wait; everything and everyone is going HD!!!

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  1. Dan W said,

    January 31, 2008 @ 11:08 pm

    Not all HDTV’s have to be expensive. DLP television’s are often regarded as the “best bang for your buck” because they offer the best picture at the lowest cost. An added bonus is that you can also buy a much bigger screen when going with DLP. I think you’d also like their jump in technology as the latest DLP televisions have 3D capabilities.

  2. Pat said,

    February 1, 2008 @ 7:32 am

    How much was the HD video conferencing equipment you were looking at? I have entertained the idea, but ultimately the cost has been a deterrent. I have a nice enough lcd monitor (not HD) and I use ooVoo for all of my video conferencing which is free and lets up to six of us get online at once.

    That is a good suggestion about buying new technology from overstock or overruns, definitely helps the wallet at the end of the day.

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