Charity Begins On The Internet

Heard of the age old saying “charity begins at home“? I’m sure we all have and I’m pretty sure there are many out there who is as baffled as me on the meaning. We all know that charity is good and we should practice giving away to the needy when possible. I would understand that most of the time, we have our own constraints and our wallets/pockets don’t seem to fatten up. Who says you need to be charitable from your own pockets? which is a sister site of has came up with an ingenious way to help people be charitable. It combines a vocabulary puzzle and prize for every correct guess. Each correct guess earns 10 grains of rice which will be donated to the needy. All you need to do is make correct guesses. You have nothing to lose and all gains go to the poor.

The puzzle does work up your brain muscles as some words are unheard of. I had a great time testing myself and managed to reach a vocabulary level of 27 with over 2000 grains of rice won. They had me at “twaddle“. If you want to know the answer, it’s nonsense. Now, do your bit for charity and enjoy yourself at the same time.

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